I am trying to use jQuery load() function to get content from another page via AJAX. It works on Firefox, Google Chrome, but not in Internet Explorer 7 & 8.
Here is the page I am developing:
All the jQuery code is working normally in Internet Explorer, but the specific part that should bring the destination page isn't. To understand the problem, one must click the "Há 80 anos" or "Há 70 anos" block and click any of the links inside it. It should open a panel underneath the timeline with the content of the block.
Here is the code that pulls the external content:
jQuery('a.link-evento').click(function() {
var strUrl = jQuery(this).attr('href');
var objBlocoConteudo = jQuery(this).parents('div.view-content').next().find('div.conteudo-evento')
objBlocoConteudo.css('display','block').animate({ opacity: 1}, {duration: 350}).load(strUrl + ' #area-conteudo-evento');
return false;
With this code I am grabbing the URL of the destination page and telling the browser not to do a normal request, but to open it using jQuery load() function.
Any help appreciated fixing this IE... Thank you.