



I got simple requirement (not simple implementation), and figuring out how to achieve it without making multiple hits to db, and without .extra() in queryset.

  name = xxx
  status = models.IntegerField(choices=some_choices)
  project = ForeignKey(Project)

  name = xxx
  code = xxx

Projects contain Tasks which got various statuses. (Assume status=3 is Completed) Now, I want to list out all projects with their total tasks and completed tasks, like below

  1. Project 1, total_tasks=5, completed_tasks=2
  2. Project 1, total_tasks=2, completed_tasks=1

I am able to get total_tasks with annotate, but not completed_tasks, since it required condition in annotation. Is there anyway to do it?


If you do not mind additional queries, you can derive two querysets instead of one. The first can get you the total count and the second can filter on tasks_status and thereby get you the completed count.

from django.db.models import Count
all_projects = Project.objects.all()
total_counts = all_projects.annotate(count = Count('tasks'))
completed_counts = all_projects.filter(tasks_status = 3).annotate(count = Count('tasks'))
Manoj Govindan
this is somewhat better than my brute approach, where I'm iterating all projects and attached queryset to get completed_counts.But, it again forces us to match project vs completed_counts, may be in template or view
Narendra Kamma
Agreed. You are obliged to match project against count in the template or view.
Manoj Govindan

I don't know if it will help, but you can write your own custom annotation objects. I've just done it though without the conditional part. I based my solution on this link:

but didn't use the example there. Instead I looked at the django code for aggregates and extended the Sum and Count objects themselves.
