





I am trying to capture links that were added to a work item in TFS by catching WorkItemChangedEvent via TFS services. Here is the relevant XML part of the message that comes through:


This is declared as a field in WorkItemChangedEvent class that should be deserialized into object upon receiving the event:

public partial class WorkItemChangedEvent
private string[] addedRelations;

/// <remarks/>
    [XmlArrayItemAttribute("WorkItemId", IsNullable = false)]
    public string[] AddedRelations
        get { return this.addedRelations; }
        set { this.addedRelations = value; }

I cannot for the life of me figure out why the AddedRelations does not get deserialized properly. I can only suspect that the object structure does not match the XML schema. Help would be appreciated.


I have changed the structure of my WorkItemChangedEvent class a little bit to match the XML:

public partial class WorkItemChangedEvent
private AddedRelation[] addedRelations;

/// <remarks/>
    [XmlArrayItemAttribute("AddedRelation", IsNullable = false)]
    public AddedRelation[] AddedRelations
        get { return this.addedRelations; }
        set { this.addedRelations = value; }

[GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", "2.0.50727.42")]
    [XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "")]
    public partial class AddedRelation
        #region Fields
        private string workItemId;

        /// <remarks/>
        public string WorkItemId
            get { return this.workItemId; }
            set { this.workItemId = value; }

I still think that there must be some logic behind the original solution since it was designed by TFS authors (MS)? Anyway I am glad it works now and that I answered my question first ;]
