I am trying to get a stored procedure to be able to be called from a java agent in Lotus Notes. I have been able to get these type(s) of agents to work fine as far as moving data to and from db2 tables, and I have also been able to run the stored procedure from Iseries Navigator using the same username/password that I am using for this agent. However, when I try to run the agent, it gives me an error. Here is my Java code:
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver;
import lotus.domino.Agent;
import lotus.domino.AgentBase;
import lotus.domino.AgentContext;
import lotus.domino.Database;
import lotus.domino.Document;
import lotus.domino.NotesException;
import lotus.domino.Session;
public class NotesUpdateAS400Control extends AgentBase {
private Session session = null; private Agent agt = null; private Database db = null; private Document doc = null; private Vector allObjects = new Vector(); // private final String INIT_FILE_NAME = "AgentInitProps.properties"; //set the values we will use to log in private String dbUser = null; private String dbPswd = null; private String dbHost = null; //
public NotesUpdateAS400Control() { super(); }
private void init() {
try {
// Gain access to the current document
session = getSession();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
agt = agentContext.getCurrentAgent();
db = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase();
String tempNoteID = agt.getParameterDocID();
doc = db.getDocumentByID(tempNoteID);
} catch (NotesException notesEx) {
System.out.println("buildPreparedStatement NotesException: " + notesEx);
// protected Connection buildConnection() throws NotesException { Connection con = null;
// Get AS/400 Connection try { URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("."); File initFile = new File(url.getFile()+INIT_FILE_NAME); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(initFile); Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(fis); dbUser = props.getProperty("dbUser"); dbPswd = props.getProperty("dbPswd"); dbHost = props.getProperty("dbHost"); fis.close();
// Register AS/400 Driver DriverManager.registerDriver(new AS400JDBCDriver()); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:as400://" + dbHost, dbUser, dbPswd); doc.save(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { System.out.println("buildConnection SQLException: " + sqlEx); sqlEx.printStackTrace(System.out); doc.save(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (NotesException notesEx) { System.out.println("buildConnection NotesException: " + notesEx); doc.save(); notesEx.printStackTrace(System.out); } return con; } //
public void NotesMain() { init(); try { System.out.println("Test of Stored Procedure Agent");
CallableStatement pspmt = null;
try { con = this.buildConnection(); if (con != null) { pspmt = con.prepareCall("CALL DB2ADMIN.MYZIPTOZIP(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); System.out.println("Test"); pspmt.clearParameters(); pspmt.registerOutParameter(7, Types.CHAR); pspmt.registerOutParameter(8, Types.CHAR); pspmt.registerOutParameter(9, Types.DECIMAL); pspmt.registerOutParameter(10, Types.CHAR); pspmt.setString(1, "NASHVILLE"); pspmt.setString(2, "TN"); pspmt.setString(3, "37202"); pspmt.setString(4, "COOKEVILLE"); pspmt.setString(5, "TN"); pspmt.setString(6, "38501");
System.out.println("OutParam7 " + pspmt.getString(7));
String value1 = pspmt.getString(7);
String value2 = pspmt.getString(8);
String value3 = pspmt.getBigDecimal(9).setScale(0).toString();
String value4 = pspmt.getString(10);
doc.replaceItemValue("test1", value1.trim());
System.out.println("Test " + value1.trim());
doc.replaceItemValue("test2", value2.trim());
doc.replaceItemValue("test3", value3.trim());
doc.replaceItemValue("test4", value4.trim());
Vector vals = new Vector();
System.out.println("Zip to zip value object : " + vals.toString());
} catch (SQLException sqlEx) { System.out.println("executeUpdate SQLException: " + sqlEx); sqlEx.printStackTrace(System.out); } catch (NotesException notesEx) { System.out.println("executeUpdate NotesException: " + notesEx); notesEx.printStackTrace(System.out); } finally { try { if(pspmt != null) { pspmt.close(); pspmt = null; } // end of if if(con != null) { con.close(); con = null; } // end of if } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { System.out.println("close con/pspmt SQLException: " + sqlEx); sqlEx.printStackTrace(System.out); } } // doc.save(); doc.recycle(); // recycle the one we're done with agt.recycle(); db.recycle(); } // end of try catch (Exception e) { System.out.println (e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } // end of catch finally { try { session.recycle(allObjects); session.recycle(); //session = null; System.runFinalization(); } // end of try catch (Exception e) { System.out.println (e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } // end of catch } // end of catch System.gc(); long memAfter = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); System.out.println("NotesUpdateAS400 agent completed. Current JVM Heap Size : " + memAfter);
} // end of notes main }
However, when I run this code, I get the following error in the console:
[0774:0025-0BD0] 08/31/2010 09:11:03 AM 0 Transactions/Minute, 0 Notes Users[0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:41 A M Agent printing: Test of Stored Procedure Agent [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: executeUpdate SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: [SQL044 0] Routine MYZIPTOZIP in DB2ADMIN not found with specified parameters. [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: java.sql.SQLException: [SQL0440] Routine MYZIPTOZIP in DB2 ADMIN not found with specified parameters. [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.JDError.throwSQLException(J DError.java:646) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.JDError.throwSQLException(J DError.java:617) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCStatement.commonPr epare(AS400JDBCStatement.java:1578) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCPreparedStatement. (AS400JDBCPreparedStatement.java:227) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCCallableStatement. (AS400JDBCCallableStatement.java:106) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCConnection.prepare Call(AS400JDBCConnection.java:1808) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCConnection.prepare Call(AS400JDBCConnection.java:1709) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at com.averitt.notesProcessing.NotesUpdateAS400Cont rol.NotesMain(NotesUpdateAS400Control.java:110) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: at lotus.domino.NotesThread.run(Unknown Source) [0774:009C-032C] 08/31/2010 09:11:42 AM Agent printing: NCC Forms NotesUpdateAS400 agent completed. Current JVM He ap Size : 5927920
Again, the stored procedure works fine in Iseries navigator and when called by our J2EE application that normally uses it, with the same username I am using here. The Java agents work fine when I am doing selects or inserts for other programs.. Does someone have any ideas out there?