I have this strange error in SQL Server 2005 where I take a working query, add the UNION keyword below it and then copy the query again. In my opinion, this should always be working, but it is not. I get the message 'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'union'.
What could create this problem ?
To be more specific, here is the complete query :
select distinct deliveries.id, orders.id, 20 + sum(orders.mass1) as allowed_duration
from features_resources
inner join features on features.id = featureid
inner join orders on orders.id = features_resources.resourceid
inner join orderinformations on orders.id = orderinformations.orderid
inner join deliveries on orderinformations.deliveryid = deliveries.id
where features.name = 'O_FRAIS'
and (deliveries.ID IN
FROM dbo.DeliveriesInExportedSchedule))
group by deliveries.id, features.name ,orders.id order by deliveries.id
select distinct deliveries.id, orders.id, 20 + sum(orders.mass1) as allowed_duration
from features_resources
inner join features on features.id = featureid
inner join orders on orders.id = features_resources.resourceid
inner join orderinformations on orders.id = orderinformations.orderid
inner join deliveries on orderinformations.deliveryid = deliveries.id
where features.name = 'O_FRAIS'
and (deliveries.ID IN
FROM dbo.DeliveriesInExportedSchedule))
group by deliveries.id, features.name ,orders.id order by deliveries.id
I have tried to reproduce the error on a smaller query, by starting from a simple query and adding features one by one (inner join, nested queryes, group by, sum,....) but failed to reproduce the error again.
Any idea ?