Hi folks,
I'm trying to make a horizontal bar chart with data from an array
$values = implode(',', array_values($type));
$labels = implode('|', array_keys($type));
$img = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bhg&chs=600x300&chd=t:{$values}&chxt=x,y&chtt=Ticket+Types&chxl=1:{$labels}&chts=676767,21.5";
echo "<img src='{$img}' alt='Chart'>";
This isn't giving me what I want to achieve but I'm having a hard to fixing it. The code above gives me a horizontal bar chart with the y labels as the number of row (i.e. the first label is 1, the second label is 2) and incorrect x numbers.
I want the labels up the y axis and the values along the x.
Can someone give me a hand?