I'm trying to create an array of objects in a Spring context file so I can inject it to a constructor that's declared like this:
public RandomGeocodingService(GeocodingService... services) { }
I'm trying to use the <array>
<bean id="googleGeocodingService" class="geocoding.GoogleGeocodingService">
<constructor-arg ref="proxy" />
<constructor-arg value="" />
<bean id="geocodingService" class="geocoding.RandomGeocodingService">
<array value-type="geocoding.GeocodingService">
<!-- How do I reference the google geocoding service here? -->
I haven't been able to find an example or something in the in the documentation on how to do this. Also, you have any suggestions for a better way of acheiving what I'm trying to do, please let me know :).