



I'm writing a basic crawler that simply caches pages with PHP.
All it does is use get_file_contents to get contents of a webpage and regex to get all the links out <a href="URL">DESCRIPTION</a> - at the moment it returns:

Array {
[url] => URL

The problem I'm having is figuring out the logic behind determining whether the page link is local or sussing out whether it may be in a completely different local directory.
It could be any number of combinations: i.e. href="../folder/folder2/blah/page.html" or href="" or href="page.html" - the possibilities are endless.

What would be the correct algorithm to approach this? I don't want to lose any data that could be important.

+1  A: 

First of all, regex and HTML don't mix. Use:

foreach(DOMDocument::loadHTML($source)->getElementsByTagName('a') as $a)

Links that may go outside your site start with protocol or //, i.e.

href="" is link to a local file.

But if you want to create static copy of a site, why not just use wget?


You would have to look for http:// in the href. Else, you could determine if it starts with ./ or any combination of "./". If you don't find a "/" then you would have to assume that its a file. Would you like a script for this?

James Hartig
sure that would be a great help! :)

Let's first consider the properties of local links.

These will either be:

  • relative with no scheme and no host, or
  • absolute with a scheme of 'http' or 'https' and a host that matches the machine from which the script is running

That's all the logic you'd need to identify if a link is local.

Use the parse_url function to separate out the different components of a URL to identify the scheme and host.

Jon Cram
be careful with parse_url it fails really easily :P
James Hartig