



Let's say I have some code like this

  //do something

  //do something else

If a user is at and clicks on a link to set bar=xyz, I want to easily take them to, rather than

I can think of a few very messy ways to do this, but I'm sure there's something cleaner that I don't know about and haven't been able to track down via Google.


Just set the link that changes bar to xyz to also have foo=abc if foo is already set.

$link = ($_GET['foo'] == 'abc') ? 'foo=abc&bar=xyz' : 'bar=xyz';
<a href="whatever.php?<?= $link ?>">Click Me</a>
Logan Serman

You would have to render out the links with the proper URL querystring to make that happen. This is a design decision that you would need to make on your end depending on how your system is setup.

I have some sites that have this issue, and what I do is setup a querystring global variable that sets the current page data the top of the page request.

Then when I am rendering the page, if I need to make use of the current query string I do something like:

echo '<a href="myurl.php' . querystring . '&bar=foo';

It's not the cleanest, but it all depends on how your system works.

Ryan Smith
+1  A: 

Here's one way....

//get passed params
//(you might do some sanitizing at this point)

//morph the params with new values

//build new query string
foreach($params as $name=>$value)
Paul Dixon
Very nice. Although you could have used http_build_query to build the query. bravo.
Byron Whitlock
+1  A: 

If you are updating the query string you need ot make sure you don't do something like

$href contains "a=1&b=2&b=4"

What you really want to do is overwrite the current key if you need to . You can use a function like this. (disclaimer: Off the top of my head, maybe slightly bugged)

 function getUpdateQS($key,$value)
    foreach ($_GET as $k => $v)
   if ($k != $key)
    $qs .= "$k=".urlencode($v)."&"
    $qs .= "$key=".urlencode($value)."&";
  return $qs

    <a href="reports.php?<?getupdateqs('name','byron');?">View report</a>
Byron Whitlock

Save some code and use the built-in http_build_query. I use this wrapper in one of my projects:

function to_query_string($array) {
    if(is_scalar($array)) $query = trim($array, '? \t\n\r\0\x0B'); // I could split on "&" and "=" do some urlencode-ing here
    else $query = http_build_query($array);
    return '?'.$query;

Also, though it isn't often used, you can have $_GET on the left-hand side of an assignment:

$_GET['overriden_or_new'] = 'new_value';
echo '<a href="'.to_query_string($_GET).'">Yeah!</a>';

Other than that, just do what Paul Dixon said.

Matt Kantor