I'm starting to learn ASP.NET and going through the tutorial videos on www.asp.net. I understand the basic concept of web application frame works like ASP/PHP/ASP.NET. HTML/XHTML is created with special tags that the server knows to read and replace with content. I did a little bit with ASP during a summer internship back in the 90's.
Yet with the few examples of ASP.NET I've seen so far it seems ASP.NET has two types of server interpreted tags.
Most of the time I see <asp:XXXX >
tags such as
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="HeadContent" runat="server">
but I also see regular ASP tags like
<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Site.master.cs" Inherits="TailspinSpyWorks.SiteMaster" %>
What is the difference between these two tag formats? Both are interpreted by the server correct? Why would I use one over the other?