I'm installing an Active X control that contains some COM servers. I'm using InstallShield's COM Extract at Build option to generate the registry information. This results in a lot of entries in the Registry and Class tables. (The extracted information is pretty much the same using Wix).
It appears that my COM Sever is correctly being installed except for an additional value called "InprocServer32" in the InprocServer32 key that looks like this:
(Default) = C:\Path-to-my\file.ocx
InprocServer32 = 8tYCAGak)9S9&~swl.$?MyFeatureName>*&N$B'fk?As1x2J653?'
The only think I can make out from the extra value is the MyFeatureName which is the internal name of the MSI feature that contains the .ocx file. The key is not listed in the Registry table so it must be generated by the Class table.
The problem I'm having only happens in Windows Server 2008. It seems that the app trying to use the COM server is failing to find the path to the .ocx file from the (Default) value and instead it is finding the InprocServer32 value. This results in the app launching the MSI and then having the MSI being stuck in what seems like an infinte loop.
I'm wondering if this is a known issue in Windows Server 2008 or whether there is a way to prevent that extra value from being generated by msiexec.