We have an entire table of entities that we need to load during a hibernate session and the only way I know to load all entities is through an HQL query:
public <T> List<T> getAllEntities(final Class<T> entityClass) {
if (null == entityClass)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("entityClass can't be null");
List<T> list = castResultList(createQuery(
"select e from " + entityClass.getSimpleName() + " e ").list());
return list;
We use EHcache for 2nd level caching.
The problem is this gets called 100's of times in a given transaction session and takes up a considerable portion of the total time. Is there any way to load all entities of a given type (load an entire table) and still benefit from 1st level session cache or 2nd level ehcache.
We've been told to stay away from query caching because of their potential performance penalties relative to their gains. * Hibernate Query Cache considered harmful
Although we're doing performance profiling right now so it might be time to try turning on query cache.