It changes the background to red, I can't read the text to correct the error!
How can I configure a different highlight? Does it have a setting?
It changes the background to red, I can't read the text to correct the error!
How can I configure a different highlight? Does it have a setting?
Have you looked in the file of your colorscheme? You can look for these lines in your colorscheme file and change guibg=COLOR
or ctermbg=COLOR
where you see
hi Error guibg=Firebrick2 guifg=White
hi ErrorMsg guibg=Firebrick2 guifg=White
I e-mailed the author directly and he gave me a helpful response. The highlight pyflakes uses for errors is SpellBad. He also gave me a couple of examples which I will share:
highlight SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=1
Or for gvim users:
if has("gui_running")
highlight SpellBad term=underline gui=undercurl guisp=Orange