Specific question: Does VARCHARMAPPING=True work on Ado OleDB connections for Visual FoxPro? and if so how should the connectionstring look like?
We're developing a Delphi application that uses parts of an old visual foxpro database as a base. This morning I had a working connection to the database that for all intents and purposes did the correct thing, but now, no longer.
The thing that did work was the varcharmapping, I.e. no padding.
Delphi 2010, using ADOConnection, AdoQuery. Using Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 Sp2 . If there are any newer please tell me.
The connectionstring looks like this:
'Provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=C:\PROGRAMDATA\Folder\DataFolder;Collating Sequence=SWEFIN;DSN="";VARCHARMAPPING=True;'
I've tried every permutation (well feels like it) that there is of all attributes, but to no avail. Any suggestions much appreciated.