So - I have this weird problem.
I have a major project, no details needed except that it is split to many SWFs, and so - I would like to use a Shared Library to embed the fonts. Done - sl_fonts.swf loaded, fonts - checked and working, the rest of the SWFs are loaded AFTER (checked by a preloader).
Now - again, I traced the result of the request to the font, it is all like
DEBUG: REQUEST ArialBlack RETURN [class EMArialBlack] (main.swf)
DEBUG: GOT [class EMArialBlack] (loaded.swf)
The loaded SWF file requested for ArialBlack and it seems that it got an answer - EMArialBlack, which is the embedded font's class.
The weird thing is that when I put this return to a TextFormat's .font, it does not really work. I even traced the TextFormat.font after setting it to the return. It actually traced [class EMArialBlack]. BUT when I set this TextFormat to a TextField it does not work? If embedFonts is off, it has no result (it keeps the old _sans placeholder font). If it is on, no text is shown at all.
Any ideas why this is happening?