
The script file is read once into memory. You can edit the file from another utility after that -- or from the Perl script itself -- if you wish.

+2  A: 

Your Perl script will be compiled first, then run; so changing your script while it runs won't change the running compiled code.

Consider this example:


use strict;
use warnings;

push @ARGV, $0;
$^I = '';

my $foo = 42;
my $bar = 56;

my %switch = (
    foo => 'bar',
    bar => 'foo',

while (<ARGV>) {
    s/my \$(foo|bar)/my \$$switch{$1}/;

print "\$foo: $foo, \$bar: $bar\n";

and watch the result when run multiple times.

you want `while ( <> )`
+3  A: 

For a fun demonstration, consider

#! /usr/bin/perl

die "$0: where am I?\n" unless -e $0;

unlink $0 or die "$0: unlink $0: $!\n";

print "$0: deleted!\n";
for (1 .. 5) {
  sleep 1;
  print "$0: still running!\n";

Sample run:

$ ./prog.pl
./prog.pl: deleted!
./prog.pl: still running!
./prog.pl: still running!
./prog.pl: still running!
./prog.pl: still running!
./prog.pl: still running!
Greg Bacon
+5  A: 

It's not quite as simple as pavel's answer states, because Perl doesn't actually have a clean division of "first you compile the source, then you run the compiled code"[1], but the basic point stands: Each source file is read from disk in its entirety before any code in that file is compiled or executed and any subsequent changes to the source file will have no effect on the running program unless you specifically instruct perl to re-load the file and execute the new version's code[2].

[1] BEGIN blocks will run code during compilation, while commands such as eval and require will compile additional code at run-time

[2] Most likely by using eval or do, since require and use check whether the file has been loaded already and ignore it if it has.

Dave Sherohman
It's not even as simple as your answer, you can append code to the end of your file in a `BEGIN` block and it will be included in the program. In at least the version of perl I have access to at the moment it will not read the whole file before starting to parsing it, and `BEGIN` blocks are executed as soon as the closing brace is parsed. This behavior is likely very OS dependent.

As the others said, the script is read into memory, compiled and run. GBacon shows that you can delete the file and it will run. This code below shows that you can change the file and do it and get the new behavior.

use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw<$PROGRAM_NAME>;

open my $ph, '>', $PROGRAM_NAME;
print $ph q[print "!!!!!!\n";];
close $ph;

... DON'T DO THIS!!!


Perl scripts are simple text files that are read into memory, compiled in memory, and the text file script is not read again. (Exceptions are modules that come into lexical scope after compilation and do and eval statements in some cases...)

There is a well known utility that exploits this behavior. Look at CPAN and its many versions which is probably in your /usr/bin directory. There is a CPAN version for each version of Perl on your system. CPAN will sense when a new version of CPAN itself is available, ask if you want to install it, and if you say "y" it will download the newer version and respawn itself right where you left off without loosing any data.

The logic of this is not hard to follow. Read /usr/bin/CPAN and then follow the individualized versions related to what $Config::Config{version} would generate on your system.

