




building a website for a touch PC and need to know how to make the cursor disappear completely in opera.

Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

You could try the following CSS rule:

cursor: none;

That's likeliest unlikely to be supported, as it was introduced in CSS3, and has not yet reached wide adoption.

If that's not supported in Opera, you could try:

cursor: url('/path/to/empty/image.format');

That should set the cursor to appear as that image, which could be a blank/transparent 1x1 image.

EDIT: It looks like neither of these options is supported yet in Opera (though both are valid CSS3.) . Pending another idea, my above examples won't work in Opera.

Quirks Mode has an excellent grid where you can test out the support for each property: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/cursor.html Just mouseover each column name to see how it renders in Opera.

both of these dont seem to work in opera. Are they supported?
cursor: none is invalid css. The other notation is not supported by Opera: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3606010/hide-the-mouse-cursor-in-opera-10-kiosk-mode
Joeri Hendrickx
`cursor: none;` is not invalid CSS. It was introduced in the CSS3 spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-ui/#cursor , but it seems you're right that its not supported in Opera.
so is there a solution?
Not with CSS, no. There could be a JavaScript solution, though.