we're trying to hook into Liferay's logout mechanism to log users out of a third-party service when they leave the portal. I understand that there's the hook mechanism which allows me to add custom implementations of Action to be executed on certain events.
We tried using logout.pre.events but could never get Liferay to call our method. We now moved to servlet.session.destroy.events which might be good enough for our purposes.
The problem: Our class' run() method gets called, now, but both HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse are null but we require a user parameter to see who actually logged out. Are we doing anything wrong? Do you know more about the internals of the hook mechanism and help?
There is little documentation on the web on the hook mechanisms. I know of: http://www.liferay.com/web/guest/community/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Portal+Hook+Plugins http://usefulfor.com/java/2010/04/06/liferay-hook-war/
Thanks in advance, Florian