I am using the following to create an on-the-fly live updating email list for interested users on my site: https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&tf=0&fs=1&[email protected]&[email protected],[email protected]&body=test%20email&shva=1
This works great for a few emails and has been the only solution I have found for mailing lists using gmail. Please let me kow if there is a better way to do this. Gmail seems to lack functionality to do this on it's own.
So the problem: I now have close to 500 email addresses which gives me the beautiful error
Request-URI Too Large The requested URL /mail/... is too large to process.
For obvious reasons. I was wondering if there is a way (or one could be added) to support POST variables in addition to GET variables. I tried a few tests with no luck. Please help me as many people count on it. Thanks!
p.s. it does not have to be pretty, just function correctly