



You can set what the Facebook Share preview says. I would like it to be the first paragraph of my movable type entry. The people who make entries sometimes use


tags or they use the rich editor which puts in two

<br /><br />

tags to separate paragraphs.

Is there a way I can have movable type detect when the first paragraph end and only display the first paragraph? I would like to add that to my entry template so it will add some information to my head.


The s/// operator is a good tool to delete everything in a string that appears after a paragraph break as you've described it:

$text_to_display = get_my_movable_type_entry();
$text_to_display =~ s!<\s*p\s*/?>.*!!i;            # trim everything after <p>,<p/>
$text_to_display =~ s!(<\s*br\s*/?>\s*){2}.*!!i;   # trim everything after two <br>,<br/>