I am reading thee book "Discrete Mathematics and its Application" by Kenneth H. Rosen I am now in the chapter Growth of Functions and trying the Exercise of that.[5th Edition page 142]
I am stuck here:
Determine whether these functions are in O(x^2) [(big oh of x's square]
[1] f(x) = 2^x,
[2] f(x) = (x^4)/2
[3] f(x) = floor(x) * floor(x)
I can not do the 1st one. Will anybody please help?
I have done the 2nd and 3rd as follows. Please check and comment.
if f(x) = (x^4)/2 is O(x^2) for x > k (k = any constant, C = any constant)
___then |(x^4)/2| <= C|.(x^2)| for x > k ___or |(x^2)| <= 2C for x > k ___or x <= sqrt(2C) for x > k ___or x<= C1 [ C1 = sqrt(2c) = Constant] ___but this contradicts with x > k where k is any constant so f(x) is not O(x^2)
f(x) = floor(x) * floor(x) <= x * x for x > 1
__or f(x) <= x^2 for x>1
__so f(x) is O(x^2) taking C = 1 and k = 1 as witness
Please help me in the 1st one.