



With honeypot, i mean more or less this practice:

#Register form
        visibility: hidden;
<form action="register.php">
    Your email: <input type="text" name="u-email" />
    Choose a password: <input type="text" name="passwd" />
    <div class="hideme">
        Please, leave this field blank: <input type="text" name="email" />  #the comment is for text-browser users
    <input type="submit" value="Register" autocomplete=off />

if($_POST['email'] != ''){
    die("You spammer!");
//otherwise, do the form validation and go on.

more info here.

Obviously the real fields are named with random hashes, and the honeypot field can have different names (email, user, website, homepage, etc..) that a spambot usually fillup.

I love this tecnique becose doesnt not cause the user to be annoied by capthca

Well, does anyone of you have some experience with this tecnique? How much is it efficent?


It works relatively well, however, if the bot creator caters to your page they will see that (or even have a routine setup to check) and will most likely modify their bot accordingly.

My preference is to use reCaptcha. But the above will stop some bots.

Brad F Jacobs
i use honeypot for not annoing users with capthca..
A lot of bots still get past reCaptcha on my site :\
Andy E
You could also look into implementing on your site. But this is generally for comment spam. And remember, that the reCaptcha and the Honey Pot will not thwart human spammers.
Brad F Jacobs
akismet is good, but if possible, i'll love a way that dont rely on thirdy-part services