



interpolation of bitmap: I have bitmap of 16*16, i want to increase the size of the bitmap to 160*160, which is best interpolation type that can be suited.

+1  A: 

So best interpolation of bitmap would be hybrid algorithm of those two above - such as 2xSal / Eagle and such.

EDIT: Bicubic interpolation JAVA example code.

Good luck.

little confused with bicubic interpolation , in the Wikipedia it is mentioned that bicubic intepolation can be implemented using cubic spline , cubic convultion, how to extend this algorithms for bitmap interpolation - that is for 2d interpolation
@Ramesh: though I have not used it myself, I know that there is support in the framework for these interpolation techniques. If you don't specifically want to implement it yourself, look it up...
which framework should i refer?
@Ramesh - see my EDIT in post about bicubic example code.

Um, this is a horrendously bad idea no matter which way you look at it - you're basically increasing the size of the bitmap by an order of magnitude, but you're not adding any new data - regardless of whether you use a polynomial, linear, or simple copy mechanism the result is going to show either extreme pixelation, extreme blurring, or some mixture of the two.

In general, these algorithms work much better for reducing the size of bitmap images and maintaining overall image integrity, blowing an image up by an order of magnitude is going to be ugly, no matter what you do - the bottom line is that the original information is now dwarfed by the information the interpolater 'made up'

Mark Mullin