



I have a WCF service running on Windows 2008 R2 64 bit, using IIS 7.5. My appender is logging to a local file, and on my XP workstation a log file is being created in the application folder.

Log4NEt is not logging anything on the server.

I have tried the following:

  • Ensured that my application pool is running as a domain user account. Added that account to the "administrators" group of the server.
  • Granted "Everyone" modify permissions on the application folder on the server.
  • Changed the appender to output to c:\logs\logfile.txt, and granted "Everyone" full control of that folder.
  • Set the log4net to "debug", and used DebugView to see if it is outputting any messages. There were NO log4net messages shown
  • Added an app setting <add key="log4net.Internal.Debug" value="true"/>

Any ideas what else I can try to try and figure out what is going on? There are no messages in the system event log that look like they relate to this issue.



I think this is an issue. there is a log on log4net issue tracking tool with similar problem.
