




Hi Everyone,

I want to upload images to some server using multipart post request. I am using PHP/cURL to send soap request envelopes

Any help would be very appreciated.



I am a bit unsure what excatly you are trying to do. If you want to include images in a SOAP request, you should send the binary content of that image as base64 encoded string (using PHPs base64_encode function).

If you could update your answer with more details what you are trying to achieve and maybe post some code, we could provide you with better answers.

Yes, I want to send an image with SOAP Request but target server is not supporting base64 method. Instead, I have to use a multi part post request just as we send through a simple html form with some target URL. Or may be I need some more better way but not finding one yet.
Amjad Shaick
@Amjad Shaick - hm, but attachments in multipart messages are normally base64 encoded, too. What do you mean that the target server does not support base64 encoding?
I got this instruction from service provider: NOTE: images are specified in binary (not Base64) format. Also, the Content-Disposition header uses “form-data; name="filename"; filename="format (not “attachment; filename =’’ format).
Amjad Shaick
@Amjad Shaick Hm, did you try to send the raw binary content of an image along? So, just the content you get when using file_get_contents('your_img.png'); ?
Not yet.. Seems good idea so I will give it a try !
Amjad Shaick
Can we achieve this through PHP/cURL ?
Amjad Shaick