




Hi Experts,

I am studying about regular expression and struck with the

  1. lookaround concept


  2. with few syntax.

After doing googling, I thought it is a right forum to ask for help. Please help with this concept.

As I am not good with understanding the explanation. It will be great if I get plenty of different examples to understand.

For me the modifer /e and || are new in regex please help me in understanding the real use. Below is my Perl Script.


$INPUT1=~s/SAY/"XYZ"/e;   # /e What is this modifier is for


$INPUT3=~s/(?<=\[)(\w+)(?=])/ "123"|| $1 /e; #What is '||' is use for and what its name

print "\n\nINPUT1 = $INPUT1 \n \n ";
print "\n\nINPUT2 = $INPUT2 \n \n ";
print "\n\nINPUT3 = $INPUT3 \n \n ";
print "\n\nINPUT4 = $INPUT4 \n \n ";
+5  A: 

Have a read of perlrequick and perlretut.

The /e modifier of the s/// substitution operator treats the replacement as Perl code rather than as a string. For example:

$x = "5 10"
$x =~ s/(\d+) (\d+)/$1 + $2/e;
# $x is now 15

Instead of replacing $x with the string "$1 + $2", it evaluates the Perl code $1 + $2 - where $1 is 5 and $2 is 10 - and puts the result into $x.

The || is not a regex operator, it's a normal Perl operator. It is the logical-or operator: if the left-hand side is a true value (not 0 or ''), it returns the left side, otherwise it returns the right side. You can look up perl operators in perlop.

Philip Potter
Hi Philip thanks for all the links its really help ful.
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Philip Potter
+1 for good answer and to compensate for the OP not bothering to accept
+2  A: 

A standard substitution operator looks like this:


Where the PATTERN is matched, it is replaced with REPLACEMENT. REPLACEMENT is treated as a double-quoted string so that you can put variables in there and it will just work.


You can use this to include pieces of the matched test in your replacement.


Sometimes, however, this isn't enough. Perhaps you want to process the text and run a subroutine to work out what the replacement is. Here's a really contrived example. Suppose you have text that contains floating point numbers and you want to replace them with integers. A first approach might look like this:


use strict;
use warnings;

$_ = '12.34 5.678';


print "$_\n";

That doesn't work, of course. You end up with "int(12.34) int(5.678)". But that string is a piece of code which you want to run in order to get the correct answer. That's what the /e option does. It treats the replacement string as code, runs it and uses the output as the replacement.

Changing the line in the example above to


gives us the the required result.

Now that you understand /e I hope that you don't need an explanation of ||. It's just the standard or operator that you use all the time. In your example, it means "the replacement string is either '123' or the contents of $1'. Of course, that doesn't make much sense as '123' is always going to be true, so $1 will never be used. Perhaps you wanted it the other way round - $1 or '123'.

Hi davorg, Thanks for help.