




I am looking for a way to add labels, i.e. absolute values, into a stacked bar chart using the basic plot functions of R. The labels should be inside the stacked bars.

Thank you!

+1  A: 

How about the simple function text()?

You can simply add a string where ever you want, eg:

text (x = ..., y = ..., labels = c("foo bar 1000"))
text was also my first choice, but how can I tell R that it should place the values from my dataset within the centre of the stack itself?

Maybe you can use or inspect the barp function of the plotrix package

Karsten W.
Nothing useful in there :(
+3  A: 

barplot will return the mid x position of the bars, so you could do

mydata <- matrix(c(10, 21, 22, 33, 45, 23, 22, 43, 33), nrow=3)

# b will contain the x midpoints of the bars
b <- barplot(mydata)

# This will write labels in the middle of the bars, horizontally and vertically
text(b, colMeans(mydata), c("Label1", "Label2", "Label3"))

# This will write labels in the middle of the middle block
text(b, mydata[1,]+mydata[2,]/2, c("LabelA", "LabelB", "LabelC"))

EDIT: re-reading your question, I think this is what you want (or maybe not, but I'll write it anyways :D)

# Find the top y position of each block 
ypos <- apply(mydata, 2, cumsum)
# Move it downwards half the size of each block
ypos <- ypos - mydata/2
ypos <- t(ypos)

text(b, ypos, mydata)
Hi Nico, wow this works perfectly fine with vertical barplots. Thank you very much. I´m glad that the solution was not that mysterious. I also tried to apply your code to a vertical barplot as well. Simply exchanging b and ypos does the trick. Many many thanks!