



i have a jsp page with jdbc connection and on first load it shows the data accurately but after that it shows empty tables i think 2nd time it loads from memory not from server

what is problem behind i don't know

ok here are the details

i have a servlet that maintains the session for a user that log in and then after creating the session the servlet redirect the user to a view page that is a jsp page and displays the existing records in DB

when the servlet redirects the page the jsp can show the records in but when i access this page from any other html page it is unable to display the records here is the code for jsp page to view.

<%@ page import="java.sql.ResultSet" %>
<%@ page import="java.math.BigDecimal" %>
<%@ page import="java.sql.SQLException" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.logging.Level" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.logging.Logger" %>
<%@ page import="iEHR.cDBProcessor" %>

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        <%! private ResultSet rsResult; %>

         <%!   cDBProcessor DBProcess = new cDBProcessor(); %>

            if(request.getAttribute("dbrec") != null)
                rsResult = DBProcess.statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM patients");
            }//end if
            out.println("<table border=\"0\"><tr><td valign=\"top\" >");
            out.println("<tr><th>Patient ID</th><th>First Name</th><th>Middle Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Gender</th><th>Marital Status</th><th>Phone No.</th><th>Address</th>");
            out.println("<th>Date Of Birth</th><th>Last Date Of Exam</th><th>Status</th></tr>");

            //data display on page
            if(rsResult!= null)
                    while (
                        BigDecimal bdPatientID = rsResult.getBigDecimal("patient_id");
                        String strFirstname = rsResult.getString("first_name");
                        String strLastname = rsResult.getString("last_name");
                        String strMiddlename = rsResult.getString("middle_name");
                        String strGeneder = rsResult.getString("gender");
                        String strMeritalStatus = rsResult.getString("marital_status");
                        BigDecimal bdPhoneNo = rsResult.getBigDecimal("phone_no");
                        String strAddress = rsResult.getString("address");
                        String strDOB = rsResult.getDate("birth_dt") == null ? "" : rsResult.getDate("birth_dt").toString();
                        String strDOE = rsResult.getDate("dt_of_exam") == null ? "" :rsResult.getDate("dt_of_exam").toString();
                        String strStatus;
                        Byte bPatientStatus= rsResult.getByte("status");

                        if(bPatientStatus == 1)
                            strStatus = "Active";
                        }//end if
                             strStatus = "Inactive";
                        }//end else


                    }//end while
                }//end try
                catch (SQLException ex)

                }//end catch
            }//end if


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+1  A: 

It smells like threadsafety/scoping problem. You've declared the ResultSet and DBProcess as instance variable of the JSP using <%! %> scriptlet declarations, so it's been shared among all HTTP requests. I am not sure about the DBProcess, but this is certainly a bad idea for ResultSet (and also for Connection and Statement by the way). How the DBProcess is been used in the remnant of the code is also pretty scary, e.g. DBProcess.statement.executeQuery(). Is the Statement really a public field? I don't know how the class' internals look like, but yes, this smells too much like threadsafety/scoping problem.

Also, this 90's style writing of HTML and using scriptlets in JSP really don't suit a "Copyright 2010" application. Are you reading the right tutorials/books?

+1  A: 

beside those issues pointed out by BalusC,

base on the described symptom "when the servlet redirects the page the jsp can show the records in but when i access this page from any other html page it is unable to display the records" and code "if(request.getAttribute("dbrec") != null) ".

My prime suspect for the issue's cause is the use of request.getAttribute("dbrec")

for those direct access from other html page, this value likely to be null. I suspect for redirect case, there may be some code that perform request.setAttribute("dbrec",....)