I have a class X
which derives from a class with its own metaclass Meta
. I want to also derive X from the declarative base in SQL Alchemy. But I can't do the simple
def class MyBase(metaclass = Meta):
def class X(declarative_base(), MyBase):
since I would get metaclass conflict error: 'the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases'. I understand that I need to create a new metaclass that would derive from both Meta and from whatever metaclass the declarative base uses (DeclarativeMeta I think?). So is it enough to write:
def class NewMeta(Meta, DeclarativeMeta): pass
def class MyBase(metaclass = NewMeta):
def class X(declarative_base(), MyBase):
I tried this, and it seems to work; but I'm afraid I may have introduced some problem with this code.
I read the manual, but it's a bit too cryptic for me. What's
The code used for my classes is as follows:
class IterRegistry(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr):
attr['_registry'] = {}
attr['_frozen'] = False
print(name, bases)
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attr)
def __iter__(cls):
return iter(cls._registry.values())
class SQLEnumMeta(IterRegistry, DeclarativeMeta): pass
class EnumType(metaclass = IterRegistry):
def __init__(self, token):
if hasattr(self, 'token'):
self.token = token
self.id = len(type(self)._registry)
type(self)._registry[token] = self
def __new__(cls, token):
if token in cls._registry:
return cls._registry[token]
if cls._frozen:
raise TypeError('No more instances allowed')
return object.__new__(cls)
def freeze(cls):
cls._frozen = True
def __repr__(self):
return self.token
def instance(cls, token):
return cls._registry[token]
class C1(Base, EnumType, metaclass = SQLEnumMeta):
__tablename__ = 'c1'