According to the tool PMD, the following is a bad practice:
String s = "" + 123; // bad
String t = Integer.toString(456); // ok
This is an inefficient way to convert any type to a `String`.
Why is it a bad thing to do?
According to the tool PMD, the following is a bad practice:
String s = "" + 123; // bad
String t = Integer.toString(456); // ok
This is an inefficient way to convert any type to a `String`.
Why is it a bad thing to do?
It expands to "" + String.valueOf(yourObject) and thus does an unneeded concatenation. The concatenation involves allocating an extra string and doing an extra copy of the string's value.
It is inefficient, as it involves an unneeded string concatenation, thus the creation of one or two extra String
objects - although I believe the JIT can optimize it away.
To me the bigger problem is that the code is less clear. Calling toString
is a standard idiom, understandable to every Java developer (hopefully :-), so you should prefer this.
String s = "" + 123; // bad
String t = Integer.toString(456);
Will be compiled to:
String s = "123";
String t = Integer.toString(456);
so: "" +123 is obvious slightly better! Checked with JAD
public static void main(String args[])
// 0 0:ldc1 #16 <String "123">
// 1 2:astore_1
// 2 3:sipush 456
// 3 6:invokestatic #18 <Method String Integer.toString(int)>
// 4 9:astore_2
// 5 10:getstatic #24 <Field PrintStream System.out>
// 6 13:new #30 <Class StringBuilder>
// 7 16:dup
// 8 17:aload_1
// 9 18:invokestatic #32 <Method String String.valueOf(Object)>
// 10 21:invokespecial #38 <Method void StringBuilder(String)>
// 11 24:aload_2
// 12 25:invokevirtual #41 <Method StringBuilder StringBuilder.append(String)>
// 13 28:invokevirtual #45 <Method String StringBuilder.toString()>
// 14 31:invokevirtual #48 <Method void PrintStream.println(String)>
// 15 34:return
For non-constant values:
int i = 123;
String s = (new StringBuilder()).append(i).toString();
String t = Integer.toString(i);
System.out.println((new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(s))).append(t).toString());
public static void main(String args[])
// 0 0:bipush 123
// 1 2:istore_1
// 2 3:new #16 <Class StringBuilder>
// 3 6:dup
// 4 7:invokespecial #18 <Method void StringBuilder()>
// 5 10:iload_1
// 6 11:invokevirtual #19 <Method StringBuilder StringBuilder.append(int)>
// 7 14:invokevirtual #23 <Method String StringBuilder.toString()>
// 8 17:astore_2
// 9 18:iload_1
// 10 19:invokestatic #27 <Method String Integer.toString(int)>
// 11 22:astore_3
// 12 23:getstatic #32 <Field PrintStream System.out>
// 13 26:new #16 <Class StringBuilder>
// 14 29:dup
// 15 30:aload_2
// 16 31:invokestatic #38 <Method String String.valueOf(Object)>
// 17 34:invokespecial #44 <Method void StringBuilder(String)>
// 18 37:aload_3
// 19 38:invokevirtual #47 <Method StringBuilder StringBuilder.append(String)>
// 20 41:invokevirtual #23 <Method String StringBuilder.toString()>
// 21 44:invokevirtual #50 <Method void PrintStream.println(String)>
// 22 47:return
String s = "" + 123; // bad
The above code creates a temporary string, to combine "" and 123