I was just curious to know when will Java se 7 release and what will be the major things added to it... Is this the final API? Should i make this question community wiki?
As with most things, I believe Java 7 will be released simply 'when it is ready'. Here is a link to the milestones for the project: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/milestones/. Here is are the associated dates with the milestones: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk7/calendar/.
I can't imagine that the API is finalized yet. The link your provided, for example, clearly states that it is a draft API. Also, according to the milestones and the calendar there is still work to be done.
2010-09-02 13:15:12
It will release when Oracle decides to release it. Not a minute sooner.
Paul Tomblin
2010-09-02 13:15:28
Java 7 has not officially been released so that is not the final API. This page has some info of what may or may not be coming in java 7... http://tech.puredanger.com/java7/
2010-09-02 13:16:29