In Foxpro how to get Call stack info for logging.(not using the debugger ui, but in code at runtime)
You can use the ASTACKINFO() function to create an array filled with the call stack.
2010-09-02 20:19:30
use ASTACKINFO like MikeReigler said, then something like this:
cStack = ""
nStackCount = astackinfo(arrStackInfo)
for nCount = nStackCount to 1 step -1
cStack = cStack + "Level " + transform(arrStackInfo(nCount, 1)) + chr(13)
cStack = cStack + iif(not empty(arrStackInfo(nCount, 2)), ;
"Filename: " + transform(arrStackInfo(nCount, 2)) + chr(13) , "")
cStack = cStack + iif(not empty(arrStackInfo(nCount, 3)), ;
"Module/Object name: " + transform(arrStackInfo(nCount, 3)) + chr(13) , "")
cStack = cStack + iif(not empty(arrStackInfo(nCount, 4)), ;
"Module/Object filename: " + transform(arrStackInfo(nCount, 4)) + chr(13), "")
cStack = cStack + iif(not empty(arrStackInfo(nCount, 5)), ;
"Line # : " + transform(arrStackInfo(nCount, 5), "999999") + chr(13), "")
cStack = cStack + iif(not empty(arrStackInfo(nCount, 6)), ;
"Code: " + transform(arrStackInfo(nCount, 6)) + chr(13), "")
cStack = cStack + chr(13)
Stuart Dunkeld
2010-09-02 20:55:22