I'm experiencing a very weird problem, subscribing to an ActiveMQ topic through Ajax. Here's my simple javascript code:
var priceHandler =
_price: function(message)
if (message != null) {
var store_id= message.getAttribute('store-id')
var job_id = message.getAttribute('job-id')
var status = message.getAttribute('status')
alert("Job: " + job_id + ", Status: " + status);
function portfolioPoll(first)
if (first)
As you can see, I adopted the "Portfolio" sample from the activeMQ demos and made it subscribe to a different Topic (STORES.STATUS). I'm experiencing two problems:
This doesn't read any topic map messages published to the topic (by a springJMS class from a web application).
(weird): Whenever I run the html page that has this code, this js file gets overwritten halfway. Everytime I refresh the browser, half of this JS file gets appended to itself.
Anybody experienced this with ActiveMQ Ajax?