I have to make an iPhone app for a company which has a web based system, and wants to go mobile. Its known in advance that the UI of the screen will change fairly often (adding new labels, buttons, etc). Also, many elements on the screen have an If(condition) then (visible) else (hidden) type situation. For instance, if(user.isMember) then (showLoginButton) else (showRegisterButton) All this is a fairly common scenario for companies who want to take their we-offering as a mobile-app.
The challenge now is how to write a flexible UI. If I go the standard UIView type approach and add labels, buttons etc, it becomes static in nature. Further, since a lot of elements (for instance, in the above example, loginButton, registerButton, retrievePasswordButton) are overlapping (since they should be on the exact location on the canvas), the Interface Builder looks cluttered.
One solution I can see is to use HTML content in UIWebView. Considering HTML browsers were defines with the concept for Forms in mind, it makes logical sense. There would be some overhead of doing search/replace for the values in the locally stored html file (call it template now), but guess the flexibility provided will be worthy of it.
I would like to invite pros/cons for this approach, and any other approaches that may have worked for you in the past for making flexible UIs.