Hi, I've been trying to do some xml modifications with groovy's XML Slurper.
Basically, i'm going through the xml and looking for tags or attributes that have ? as the value and then replacing it with some value.
I've got it working for xml that doesn't have namespaces but once I include them things get wonky. For example, this:
String foo = "<xs:test xmlns:xs="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:foo="http://myschema/xmlschema" name='?'>
Here's the groovy code I'm using. This does appear to work when I am not using a namespace:
public def populateRequest(xmlString, params) {
def slurper = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString)
//replace all tags with ?
def tagsToReplace = slurper.depthFirst().findAll{ foundTag ->
foundTag.text() == "?"
}.each { foundTag ->
foundTag.text = {webServiceOperation.parameters[foundTag.name()]}
//replace all attributes with ?
def attributesToReplace = slurper.list().each{
it.attributes().each{ attributes ->
if(attributes.value == '?')
attributes.value = webServiceOperation.parameters[attributes.key]
new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind { mkp.yield slurper }.toString()