I am new to programming with OOP, I am trying to properly use the concept of inheritance.
Here is the code here is what I tried (Link Here)
public class Base
public abstract static object Adapter();
public static DataTable GetWOCost(DateTime Date, string WO)
Application.UseWaitCursor = true;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = Adapter().GetDataByWO(WO, Date);
Application.UseWaitCursor = false;
return dt;
} catch (Exception)
return null;
public class Materiel : Base
static AllieesDBTableAdapters.CoutMatTableAdapter Adapter()
return new AllieesDBTableAdapters.CoutMatTableAdapter();
public class Labor : Base
static AllieesDBTableAdapters.CoutLaborTableAdapter Adapter()
return new AllieesDBTableAdapters.CoutLaborTableAdapter();
At first all of my code was in the Material class. But I then had to add a second identical class, but for a different SQL adapter. I tried different things, but the above code has a big problem.
Since the type is changing I used object, but it will not work without a cast. But since I cannot know what type it will be, what is the proper way for having 2 or more class that has the methods GetWOCost, but with different adapters?
Maybe I should change to .NET 4.0 and use a dynamic object?
edit: Also there seems to have a problem with abstract and static, so I cannot use the static modifier on my Method GetWOCost() without having an instance of Adapter() (in the base class). It seems it would be easier to just copy-paste, but I am trying to figure out the proper way to do it.