



Due to the packaged nature of the release, a SQL Server script (well more of a statement) needs to be created that can execute correctly on SQL Server 7.0 thru 2008 which can essentially achieve this:

if exists(select * from sys.databases where name = 'Blah')

Reasons this is difficult.

SQL 7 'sys.databases' is not valid

SQL 2008 'sysdatabases' is not valid

I stupidly parsed out the version number using serverproperty, to allow an IF depending on the version:

if (select CONVERT(int,replace(CONVERT(char(3),serverproperty ('productversion')),'.',''))) >= 80

Then discovered serverproperty does not exist under SQL 7.

Note that the SQL can be remote from the install, so no futzing around on the local machine - reg entries/file versions etc is of any use.

SQL Server error handling (especially 7.0) is poor, or maybe I don't understand it well enough to make it do a kind of try/catch.

I am now getting problem-blindness to this, so any pointers would be appreciated.



+1  A: 


USE database

and test @@ERROR.

USE database
IF @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO ErrExit

logic ...



(or RAISERROR, or ...)

le dorfier

You could try a TRY... CATCH around a USE [DatabaseName].

Troy Howard
He explicitly mentions that TRY ... CATCH isn't available in early versions of SQL Server.
le dorfier

Thanks Le Dorfier. It still has the issue that an error is raised and not handled by the GOTO:

Msg 1801, Level 16, State 3, Line 9 Database 'DWCHServer' already exists. Choose a different database name.

I even tried

DECLARE @err int USE DWCHServer

SELECT @err = @@error IF @err <> 0 GOTO ErrExit

I was trying to avoid this, as it may well have implications, depending on the SQL box is set up. It might page someone or something. I doubt it, as it is a level 16 (Miscellaneous user error - nice) and it is only 17+ that usually kick off some kind of workflow.

Thinking of changing the system requirements to 2000+ instead ;)


I don't have access to a SQL 7 instance, but I encourage you to try:


I know this works on sql 2000 and sql 2005 to get a list of databases. I suspect it works on SQL 7, too.

G Mastros
+1  A: 

Thanks G Mastros

This looks like it might yield a 100% solution. It is available under SQL 7.

I need to complete and test, but at first glance I think it will fly.

Here's the draft code FYI.

PS - not enough rep to vote you up.


create table #dwch_temp ( name sysname ,db_size nvarchar(13) ,owner sysname ,dbid smallint ,created nvarchar(11) ,status nvarchar(600) ,compatibility_level tinyint ) go

insert into #dwch_temp exec sp_helpdb

if exists(select name from #dwch_temp where name = 'DWCHServer')

-- run the code

drop table #dwch_temp


sysdatabases is a remnant from the Sybase era and is still present in SQL 2008 (although deprecated). You can check for the existence of a database with a query like this:

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM master..sysdatabases where name = 'Blah')

Paul Harrington