Due to the packaged nature of the release, a SQL Server script (well more of a statement) needs to be created that can execute correctly on SQL Server 7.0 thru 2008 which can essentially achieve this:
if exists(select * from sys.databases where name = 'Blah')
Reasons this is difficult.
SQL 7 'sys.databases' is not valid
SQL 2008 'sysdatabases' is not valid
I stupidly parsed out the version number using serverproperty, to allow an IF depending on the version:
if (select CONVERT(int,replace(CONVERT(char(3),serverproperty ('productversion')),'.',''))) >= 80
Then discovered serverproperty does not exist under SQL 7.
Note that the SQL can be remote from the install, so no futzing around on the local machine - reg entries/file versions etc is of any use.
SQL Server error handling (especially 7.0) is poor, or maybe I don't understand it well enough to make it do a kind of try/catch.
I am now getting problem-blindness to this, so any pointers would be appreciated.