I was seeing a strange phenomena when using Scriptaculous BlindDown and SlideDown effects, where they would smoothly slide, and then at the very end, they would jump an additional amount, maybe 10% of the slide distance.
I already saw the note on the BlindDown page that you have to be sure not to use padding, which I'd already done.
I was still thinking that this must be my mistake somehow, when I noticed that I see the exact same thing happening on their demo page for Toggle when clicking on either the Blind or Slide demos: http://wiki.github.com/madrobby/scriptaculous/effect-toggle
Firefox 3.6.7, Chrome 6, and Internet Explorer 8 all display this effect on my computer.
So I was thinking about just writing it off and either living with it or cutting the effect out, when I noticed that the page for BlindDown does not display this effect: http://wiki.github.com/madrobby/scriptaculous/effect-blinddown
So there must be a way to make this work. On my page, the jump is occurring whether I directly use BlindDown/Slide or whether I use Toggle.
Has anyone out there used these and managed to do so without this problem? Any ideas on what the secret is?