



I'm attempting to build a project in Eclipse CDT and the build process fails early on, but then takes minutes to finish computing and finally quit.

How, through the Eclipse IDE, can I stop the build process.

I know there must be some way because I can delete any random file from the Project Explorer and a box pops up with the processes and I can click the red box next to build and it quits. But I shouldn't be required to delete a random file to get that box to pop up. Where is it?


There is a "progress view" found at Windows->Show View->other->General->Progress. That has the little red square I need to stop any particular task.

John Berryman
You can also call up the _Progress_ view by clicking on the funny icon (no I don't know how to describe it) in the bottom-right of the window by the small progress bar.

FYI - there's also a setting in the Properties sheet to "Stop on first build error".

Under the C/C++ Build item in the Properties page, click on the configuration you wish to modify, choose the Behavior tab, and click the checkbox under "Build Settings" ("Stop on first build error").

You can still use John's method to stop the build at any time, but if you're looking to have the build stop when you first encounter an error instead of continuing on, this setting might be helpful.
