I'm wondering that, but I can't this find information.
...Its code written in different languages, depending on the operating system. Skype is written in CodeGear Delphi C++ for PCs, Objective-C for Mac OS X and iPhones, and C++ with Qt4 for the Linux operating system.
Read more: What language is Skype written in? | Answerbag http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2124396#ixzz0yVZiz9VE
Google is helpful. :(
2010-09-03 22:29:16
In respect to the amount “Delphi” and “Borland” words in Skype.exe I would make an expert guess: Borland Delphi B-) However, I would expect portions to be written in C++.
Ondrej Tucny
2010-09-03 22:31:30