




Is there an up-to-date Java API for Skype 4.0? I'd need a simple bot that creates a chat and follows discussion.

If there isn't a Java API, what ways are there to send Skype commands in Java?

Also, am I allowed to use public Skype for that, or do I need to have my own Jabber server?

+4  A: 

You can use the Skype4Java wrapper for the Skype API

Skype itself is a proprietary protocol - it doesnt use Jabber. The only way to interface with skype at present is through a plugin for their client, using the API as mentioned.

I believe the API also works for version 4.



I would like to know if there is any Skype Command in Skype 4 Java Api which allows to send message to all people in the group chat.

Thanks in advance

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