



the following is the code i am using to create a draggable object.But i am able to see the clone image only inside the same div where the image is located not inside other DIVs. Despite i am able to drop it and it works fine. Can someone help me.

 $(".image").draggable({helper: 'clone',  scroll: false,
                    zIndex: '5000' , opacity: 0.7, cursorAt: { top: -5, left: -5 }, revert: false, cursor: 'move' });

Update :

I fixed it my self.Just added one more param appendTo and it solved the proble. now the code is as follows

     $(".image").draggable({helper: 'clone', appendTo:'body',
  cursorAt: { top: -5, left: -5 }, revert: false, cursor: 'move' });