I believe you are misunderstanding how a PHP session is supposed to work. You can safely store the username, login status and other stuff into the $_SESSION
array, as this is stored serverside. The only thing sent to the browser is a single cookie (named PHPSESSID unless you changed this in php.ini
) containihg the session ID - which is a unique random number.
Once your visitor has an active session every time he requests a page which has session_start()
at the top, session_start()
will look at the request for a cookie named PHPSESSID, read the serverside session file (if the session exists and is valid) and restore the filed $_SESSION
array. This array never needs to leave the server.
The session cookie is set without an expiration date (unless you mess with the session.cookie_lifetime
option in php.ini), so the browser deletes it at shutdown. The session file on the server has an expiration time itself, managed by session.gc_maxlifetime
(in seconds).
Path to safer sessions:
- make sure only cookies are used to pass the session id to the browser setting
, session.use_only_cookies = 1
, session.use_trans_id = 0
(I'll spare you the details of the alternate syntax)
- prevent session hijacking (i.e. somebody else faking an existing session) storing into $_SESSION something that identifies the browser - a common pattern is to store the
of the browser's User-Agent header, the Accept header, the remote IP address or a combination of those; check if it matches at every new request with an existing session id
- if you're on a shared server you should indeed keep your session files separate from those of your server neighbours: set
to a folder only you and PHP have access to.
Finally, you should create a script to log users out of the session (and encourage them to use it instead of simply navigating away). This is a sample script:
$params = session_get_cookie_params();
setcookie(session_name(), '', 1, $params['path'], $params['domain'], $params['secure'], isset($params['httponly']));
header('Location: your_login_page.php');