I'm working with RoR and I was wondering how can I translate Acts As Taggable On tags without having to manually insert it every time I use a tag again?
I have a Post (title and body in English) and I create it with tags "shoes, dress, beauty".
I've title and body translated to Japanese in a text file, so I just need to copy/paste them (I'm using Globalize2 plugin to manage translations).
Then I need to add Japanese tags, so I search for translation and add it.
Now I know how to write these three words to Japanese, but I don't want to have to translate them every time I use the same tag.
Next time I create a post with the "shoes" tag, I want that the Japanese version already has the translated term.
What do you suggest? Abandon Acts As Taggable On and create a custom Tags model with a habtm relationship with Post? Subclass the Acts As Taggable On model?
Thanks in advance.