this is a very lame question but i m not able to find this one. How to get today's date and date after two months..
format is month-date-year (numerical.)
this is a very lame question but i m not able to find this one. How to get today's date and date after two months..
format is month-date-year (numerical.)
You can use the strtotime() function :
$today = time();
$twoMonthsLater = strtotime("+2 months", $today);
// If what you really want is exactly 60 days later, then
$sixtyDaysLater = strtotime("+60 days", $today);
// ...or 8 weeks later :
$eightWeeksLater = strtotime("+8 weeks", $today);
In any case, the resulting new timestamps can then be converted to month-date-year :
echo 'Today is : ' . date('m-d-Y', $today);
echo 'Two months later will be : ' . date('m-d-Y', $twoMonthsLater);
** UPDATE **
From the PHP manual
Note: Please keep in mind that these functions are dependent on the locale settings of your server. Make sure to take daylight saving time (use e.g. $date = strtotime('+7 days', $date) and not $date += 7*24*60*60) and leap years into consideration when working with these functions.
Just thought I should mention it...
date('m-d-Y', time());
Two months from now:
date('m-d-Y', time() + (86400 * 60));