I have a quick question regarding the scale effect...
I have a crude animation I am trying to accomplish. I have a quick fadeIn and then list elements scaling and fading out on the screen:
jQuery("#page_content").fadeOut(2000, function() {
jQuery("#intro_animation").slideDown(2500, function () {
var delay_duration = 10;
jQuery("ul#intro_words > li").each(function(index) {
jQuery(this).delay(delay_duration).hide("scale", {percent: 700, origin: 'center', fade: 'hide' }, 2000);
delay_duration += 2000;
jQuery("#intro_animation").delay(delay_duration).slideUp(2500, function() {
My problem is in styling the affected text elements that they get cutoff on the right hand side. Does anyone know of a solution that would prevent the text from getting cut off?