
JQuery with dynamic content

If I had a div tag inside a repeater, and i want to add a jquery effect to every one of those div tags, how would that be done? <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { //run the currently selected effect function runEffect() { //most effect types need no options passed by default var...

jquery animating multiple elements

Hi, I'm trying to do the following: I have two sets of DOM elements on a page. All elements in the first set carry the class display-element, and the second set of elements carry the class edit-element. Now I have a button (id=edit-button). When I click this button, I want all the display-elements to fade out, and all the edit-element...

JQuery Explode Effect

Hello, With JQuery UI, there is an amazing explode effect. I wonder how they have created it. I mean i am looking for implementation of that, how to create that effect without resorting to JQuery UI and use JQuery alone for that effect. Any ideas? Thanks ...

Dynamic Jquery Accordion

How do I default an accordion to be closed on start-up. here is the sample view here Here is the code: <script> $(function() { $("#accordion").tabs("#accordion div.pane", {tabs: 'h3', effect: 'slide'}); }); </script> <script> // add new effect to the tabs $.tools.tabs.addEffect("slide", function(i, done) { // 1. upon hiding, t...

Applying effects to jquery-ui tabs

Is it possible to apply an effect to a jquery-ui tab, I haven't seen any examples of it, and I'm fairly sure that if it is possible the following is incorrect: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); $("#tabs").effect(slide,options,500,callback); }); </script> ...

jquery fadeout, load, fadein

Hi, I am using JQuery and what I want to happen is. Div fades out using the fadeOut command. It then loads content from a url using the load command. Then once content loaded it fades back in using the fadeIn command. The code I have is: $("#myDiv").fadeOut().load('www.someurl.com').fadeIn() However this does not work. It kind of ...

JQUERY Effect highlight, control the Start & End colors

I have the following: $(".notifycell_email_dailydigest").effect('highlight'); The element I want to highlight is over a gray background. Problem is the highlight goes from Yellow to white, and has this ugly slow pause at the end on the white which makes the animation look horrible. How can I modify the highlighy to start with the yel...

Jquery to hightlight elements in a list

Hi I have a ol list: <ol> <li class="group1">item 1</li> <li class="group1">item 2</li> <li class="group2"> item 3</li> <li class="group3">item 4</li> <li class="group1">item 5</li> <li class="group3"> item 6</li> <ol> and a set of checkboxes which correspond to the class names <input type="checkbox" value="group1" />group 1 <input ...

How do I add a delay to the .slideUp function in Balsamiq Mockups?

<js> $("#curtain").slideUp("slow"); $("#curtain").slideDown("slow"); </js> Now what do I do, if I want to add a delay of 100ms between the .slideUp and slideDown? ...

How do I add a hover effect in Balsamiq Mockups?

I know that Jquery has a .hover function, but I can't seem to figure out how to implement it in Balsamiq Mockups. Here is what I am trying to do: I am creating a mockup for hulu, called Bulu and I am trying to have the channels menu slide down when I hover over the channels button, here is the code I have buluchannels ; $("#buluchanne...

mint.com javascript dropdown effect

I need to recreate an effect that mint.com has on another website. When you go to the transactions page and click on one of your transactions a tab pops up underneath that says edit details. When you click on that tab a div will drop down exposing more details about the transaction. I don't even know what this kind of effect this is call...

Does jQuery have a plugin to display a "message bar" like the Twitter "wrong password" bar at the top of screen?

Twitter will pop down a message bar at the top of the screen say "Wrong password" and after 10 seconds, it will slide up and disappear. Chrome also shows "Do you want to save the password" message box using such a way. Does jQuery have a plug in to do that already? Does it also work in IE 6? Because usually, the display of relative to...

jQuery switchClass

Is it possible to undo a switchClass transaition? I'd like an element to slowly obtain class A as you hover over it, and slowly lose it again once the mouse has moved away. However, the function appears to be glitchy, and calling .stop(0,1) doesn't seem to help. In fact, it seems to break it. I have a live example here. Yes, it's a 404...

In jQuery, is prepend().hide().fadeIn() not so smooth?

in jQuery, will the following be not so smooth? $('<a href= ... ><img src= ... /></a>').prependTo($('#someDiv')).hide().fadeIn() Will it actually shows the added element for a split second, and then hide it, and then fadeIn ? Then will the animation be not so smooth? Is there any better method? Or the following? $('<a style="disp...

In jQuery, can you fadeOut() without losing the element's real estate? (invisible vs display: none)

Because I need to fadeIn() another element of the same size back in, is there a way to fadeOut() the element so that the space is kept, so that the other elements are not re-flowed for a split second and then the fadeIn() will bring back another element with the same size? ...

In jQuery, fontSize and font-size are both valid in the css() function, but in animate(), it has to be fontSize?

In jQuery, fontSize and font-size are both valid in the css() function, but in animate(), it has to be fontSize? Are there more rules for other functions? so the safest is still the form fontSize Update: our project uses jQuery 1.3.1, and it will not work... but I just checked that 1.4.2 will work with "font-size" even for animate. ...

Struggling to solve this jQuery div collapse/expand problem

I'm using this example as a basis http://simon.tpdserver2.co.uk/jquery/divgrowdemo.htm, I'm trying to modify it so that instead the jQuery plugin generating an html a-href that allows the user to toggle the expand/collapse (in this case it's in the form of "+ Show More" and "- Show Less" links), that I can use a link that's within the ac...

jQuery.Cycle - use two different effects on same container

Hi there I'm currently using jQuery.Cycle to cycle through a few child <div> tags. However, I want the default cycle fx to be fade, and when I click on the next or prev selectors, I want the cycle fx to temporarily change to scrollRight or scrollLeft depending on the selector clicked. Is this possible? jQuery code, if necessary: $('#...

jQuery - recreate slideDown() effect using the animation() function ?

How can I do that? :D ...

Isn't jquery-fx.js already part of jquery.js?

I saw in a project that jquery-fx.js is being linked, but isn't it for show(), hide(), animate() etc, so jquery.js already has them? ...