



Hi all,

In my filter bean class, I added some beans dependancy (with @Autowired annotation). But in the method doFilter(), all my dependancy beans have null ...

public class FacebookOAuth implements Filter
private BusinessLogger logger;

private IUserSessionInfo userSessionInfo;

private FacebookOAuthHelper oAuthHelper;

public void init(FilterConfig fc) throws ServletException
    // Nothing to do

public void doFilter(ServletRequest sr, ServletResponse sr1, FilterChain fc) throws   IOException, ServletException
    // HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)sr;
    HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) sr1;

    String code = sr.getParameter("code");

    if (StringUtil.isNotBlankStr(code))
        String authURL = this.oAuthHelper.getAuthURL(code);

this.oAuthHelper is equal at null (and other dependancy beans to) ...

Could you help me ?

Thank you very much,


+3  A: 

Assuming this Filter is wired up in your web.xml, then this isn't going to work, since it's not managed by Spring, it's managed by the servlet container. So things like autowiring won't work.

If you want to define a servlet filter as Spring bean, then you need to define it in the webapp's root application context (using a ContextLoaderListener in web.xml), and then defining a DelegatingFilterProxy which delegates to your Spring-managed bean to do the work.

However, do you really need a servlet filter for this? What what I know of Facebook auth stuff, this could be done just as easily with a Spring HandlerInterceptor. This would be considerably less configuration work than a delegating filter.

Hi Skaffman ! Thanks a lot for your answer. Yeah, all my configuration files (web.xml, and my application.xml) are ok (with ContextLoaderListenner, with delegatingFilterProxy, etc.). But, even with this configuration, I can't used bean in my filter, that's right ?


In fact i'm not used MVC notion on server side (Spring). For my side client I use Flex technology and BlazeDS servlet ton communicate with my server.

So, that is the reason, I use the Filter bean notion.

So, how can I handle my session bean notion in my Filter bean ?

Thank you so much,




I implemented your idea, so I update my application.xml with :

<bean id="FacebookOAuthHandler" class="com.xx.FacebookOAuthHandler" />
<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="mappings">
       <prop key="/fbauth">FacebookOAuthHandler</prop>         

and my FacebookOAuthHandler class :

public class FacebookOAuthHandler extends AbstractController
private BusinessLogger logger;

private IUserSessionInfo userSessionInfo;

private FacebookOAuthHelper oAuthHelper;

protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

    // TODO

    return null;

But, this method handleRequestInternal is never called when my URL is : http://xx.xx.xx.xx/MyApp/fbauth

Thanks for your help,

