I'm implementing Factory Girl as a replacement for fixtures in my Rails app. I have several tables that I'm trying to represent using associations. However, to throw a kink into the loop, beyond just defining the associations, I also need to access attributes of the child factories from the parent.
Below is an example of what I'm trying to do:
- Factory :foo_bar is associated to Factory :foo, which is associated to Factory :bar
- From :foo_bar, I'm trying to access attributes of both :foo and :bar
Here are the samples:
Factory.define :bar do |e|
e.name "Bar"
Factory.define :foo do |e|
e.bar {|b| b.association(:bar)}
Factory.define :foo_bar do |b|
f = b.association(:foo)
b.foo_id foo.id
b.bar_id foo.bar_id
I've gone through a number of tutorials and other questions and haven't seen any examples of how to do this. Any ideas, or other ways of getting the same result?
Based on a couple of the questions, here are some clarifications that I should have included originally...
:foo_bar is not a join table, but a model with other attributes of its own.
This is what I'm actually trying to accomplish:
- have :foo_bar create an associated Factory
- then have that associated Factory create it's associated Factory
- (this is the element I'm struggling with) have :foo_bar access an attribute from the bottom level Factory
So, if :foo_bar > :foo > :bar then from :foo_bar, I'm trying to get at :bar's ID.