



I have my Spring MVC & Spring Security up and running as suggested by Spring's own reference application "petclinic". Everything's fine except that the login does not persist a browser restart.

What has to be considered to make sure a logged in user does not need to relogin after browser restart?

+6  A: 

On a browser restart, user sessions aren't maintained. So, you login informations doesn't survive a browser restart because they are stored in session.

To set up a login that survives browser restarts, you need to implement a cookie based authentication, also known as "Remember me" in Spring security.

To set up "Remember me" using Spring security, I suggest you the following article. You can also check out Spring documentation on the subject.

Vivien Barousse
Thanks, just what I have been looking for.
BTW, I guess the article you are referring to is
Yes, 1 char was lost during copy/paste operations... Updated to correct the link, thanks.
Vivien Barousse